Understanding the different user permissions

Understand the difference between the account permissions and data source permissions to find the right settings for each user.

One advantage with Extellio is that you can add as many user as you want to your account, but not only that, you can also limit the access and permissions for different users. That means that you can have some users that can edit your surveys and analytics settings, and some users that are only allowed to look at the data. This article will explain all the different user permissions.

To start with, there are account permissions and there are data source permissions. The account is what gives you access to the plattform, the data sources are what you measure. You can have more than one data source connected to the same account, and then different permissions for the different data sources.

Account permissions

The account permissions are on the highest level of permissions. These permissions control who can create new data sources, new reports, edit policies, and so on.

The person creating the account will become the Account owner, but the roles and permissions can be edited afterwards by either the account owner or an account admin.

Below are a list of all the permissions for the different account roles. A recommendation is to be a little bit stingy with the permissions and only give the different users the permissions they actually need. If too many can do too much, you may end up with unwanted changes to your data collection or other mistakes. You can always upgrade users as needed (as well as downgrade).

Permissions for the different account roles

  • Account owner: Edit account settings such as adding policies and users, add new data source, add and edit automatic reports
  • Account admin: Add and edit policies and users, add and edit automatic reports
  • Account user: Add and edit automatic reports
  • Account viewer: Access the account

Data source permissions

Unlike the account permissions, the data source permissions can be different for the different data sources that you have. That means that although you may collect data from two different website, the users may only be able to access the data for one of them (of course, depending on the settings). 

As for the account permissions, it is better to only give the needed permissions for each user, as too many permissions may lead to mistakes or unwanted changes. 

Permissions for the different data source roles

  • Advanced user: Edit the data source, add and edit analytics including heatmaps and sessions recordings, add and edit surveys, add and edit funnels, add and edit shared segments, tagg comments 
  • Standard user: Add and edit heatmaps and session recordings
  • Viewer: Can only view the data

There are also additional permissions that can be given to any of the data source roles above, and they are:

  • Tag comments: Tag comments
  • OwnerNo extra permissions, but required to have one owner as this is the contract owner and contact person for the data source

Which permissions should a user have?

The easiest way to find the right permissions is to ask "What is this person going to do?". Based on what you want them to do, you can look for the underlined keywords above and select the roles accordingly.

And as mentioned, you can always change the settings as needed.