Adding and editing users

Learn how to add more users to your account and edit the ones you already have.

At Extellio, you have an unlimited number of users. If you are an account owner or an account admin, you can at any time add more users, as well as edit the users that you already have. 

To access the user settings, you go to Data sources/Overview and then click on "Manage users" at the top of the page.

You can also go to your profile, the account settings, and then select "Users". 

This is where you find all the users of the account. You can see email and name (real names have been removed from these images), the users' account roles and data source roles. You can also see when they last logged in (note, you only have to log in every 2 weeks), if they have activated multi-factor authentication and their status.

This is also where you add and edit the users.

Add user

To add a new user, you simply click on the button "Invite user". 

Before you send the invitation, you enter the email of the new user and select the user roles (permissions) you want for this user. If you are unsure about the different user roles, we have an article about that too.

After you sent the invitation, the new user will automatically be added to the list of users, and their status will be "Pending". As soon as they activate their account, the status will change to "Active".

There is also the status "Blocked", which are for users that you no longer want to have access to the platform, but that you don't want to delete.

Edit user

You can always edit the users you have. When you click on "Edit"…

…you can change email, name, phone number, and permissions (user roles). We have an article that explains the different permissions.

When you click on the three dots…

…you can block/unblock and remove a user.