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How to create and change segments

This article explains the two different ways you can create segments, and how to change them.

When looking at your data, there may be a specific visitor category that you're more interested in, or maybe you notice something you want to investigate further. To do that you create segments, which means that you select which data you want to look at. 

The default setting is to look at all your data for the last 30 days. Changing the date range is another form of data segmentation which you can read more about here. In this article, we'll go through how to create segments based on the responses or website interactions.

There are two ways to create segments. The first will teach you all you need to know, but the second is a bit easier. However, the options are the same regardless. 

The default segment "All" has a unique color and cannot be altered. What you can do is turn it off with the toggle button, as you can do with all segments, but you always need to have at least one segment active. That means you will need to start with adding a new segments, so let's look at how to do that.

First way to create segments

The first method of segmentation is a bit more time consuming (counting in seconds), but it explains how the segmentation works. Even though you may prefer the second method in the future, knowing about the first helps you to understand the possibilities. 

To create a segment, you click on the button with "Create segment" under your segments.

Now it's time for the settings. The only required setting is the segment name. All other settings are optional. There are several filter categories, and options for how to combine them too.

The filter you may end up using the most is "Questions", where you'll find all your survey questions. Find the question you want for your segment and select the alternative you want the respondents to have answered. In the example below, "Yes" (as in 'Customer') is selected.

You're not limited to just one option per segment, but you can select several options for each question, and also select several questions for your segment. In the example below, the segment is customers that want to log in, report an error, or contact customer service.

However, using several questions for your segment can quickly exclude to many responses and be too complicated to understand. Try to limit your segments to one or two questions. 

When you have two or more filters, such as the two questions in the example above, you can select how to combine the filters. Your options are "And - All of the filters must match", which in the example above is customers with specific purposes, or "Or - One of the filters must match", which in the example above is customers OR those with the specified purposes.

"And" is the default setting, and probably the settings you'll use the most.

As mentioned, there are several filter categories. Under "Survey" you can select which survey you want or which language.

These settings are useful if you have your survey in several languages, but you don't speak all of them yourself. Using the example below, you may only speak English but want to see the Swedish data. If you view the full survey group and select English as the displayed version, you'll see all the charts in English. Then create a segment for the Swedish survey, and you'll get the Swedish data in English instead. Except for the text answers, of course.

You can also create segments based on the tagged comments. Perhaps you want to know more about those that struggled to report error.

There is also a lot of information that is automatically gathered from the survey, such as browser language, country (although based on IP address, so not 100%), and type of device used.

You can also create segments based on website interaction. Some information (everything in the orange box below) is always gathered, such as which page the respondent was viewing when answering the survey. 

The options in the blue-green box is information that is only gathered when you also use analytics with Extellio. If so, you'll be able to create segments based on channel (how they found the website), all pages they view during this specific visit, events, and more.

Once you have selected you filters, you can also choose to share your segment. When you share a segment, you make it available for all who view your data. Maybe you want your colleagues to be able to use the same segment as you, without having to set it up themselves.

When a segment is shared, you can also make it available in analytics. For example, you may want to know how "Customers" are using the website. You can find more information about analytics segments here.

If somebody else has shared a segment with you, you won't be able to change the settings. Only the user that shared the segment is able to change it. If you want to make changes, you can duplicate a shared segment, which will create an identical segment, that you can make alterations to.

Once you're done with your settings, click on "Save" and you've created a new segment. The new segment is added to the segment list in the menu on the right side, and you can now also see the segment in the charts.

Once you have created at least one segment, you can use the toggle button to decide which you want to look at.

Second way to create segments

The second method of segmentation follows the same logic as the first one, but is a shortcut. Instead of clicking on "Create segment", you can use the charts. Click on the bar etc for the alternative you want to make into a segment. In the example below, we click on "Private person". 

When you click on one of the options in a chart, the segment creator will open automatically, with the segment name and filters filled in for you. You can of course change both the name and the filter settings, but if you're happy with the default settings, all you have to do is click on "Save" and you have created a new segment.

You can use this method to create more complex segments too. In the example below, we are looking at the data for the segment "Private person". Now we want to look at those that are first-time visitors too, so we click on that alternative in the chart.

Again, all this information is automatically filled in. The segment name shows both the filters selected, and in this case changing the name is probably a good idea. You can also see that two filters are selected under "Questions". This segment now shows Private persons that are also first-time visitors.

Now we have created three segments, and as you can see below, they all have different colors. There are five different segment colors available, in a set order. To change the color of a segment, you drag and drop to change the order of them.

The segment "All" has its own blue color.