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How to change the date settings

Here you find how to change the time period you're viewing in Browse.

When viewing your data, you can choose which time period you want to look at, but also if you want to compare the time period to another period. Here we'll go through how to do that.

Changing the date setting

When you change the date setting, you change the date for all charts and segments that belong to the survey you're currently looking at. The settings are remembered and unique for the different surveys and displayed versions. That means that you can have different settings for different surveys without them affecting each other.

You find the date settings by clicking on the dates under "Date range". The default setting is the last 30 days, and you can also see the exact date range below.

You have a few options for the date range. You can use the presets (see below) or you can configure the date range yourself.

When you configure the date range, you can choose between "Last", "This", "Custom dates" and "Custom weeks". 

For "Last", you select how many of whatever you want. In the example below, 30 days are selected. Note that months, quarters and so on are calendar months, quarters and so on. If you select "Last 1 quarter" in September, you'll see April - June, but the same setting in October will give you July - September.

You can always see the exact dates selected below the settings.

For "This", you always select just one week, month, quarter, and so on. Again, you select calendar weeks, months, quarters, etc. If you select "This month" on the 5th, you'll only get 5 days of data. If you want to look the equivalent of a month but not strictly follow a calendar month, you can look at the "Last 30 days" instead.

"Custom dates" are exactly what they sound like. You select the dates you want to look at. You can either write the dates yourself or use the calendar to select the dates. "Custom weeks" work the same way, but for weeks instead.

You can also choose to compare your selected time period to previous periods, and you can select up to 3 periods. "Previous period" means the same settings as for the primary date range, but the period before. In the example below, "Previous period" would be another 30 days back. "Previous year" means the same settings but the previous year. In the example below, that would be 6 Jan 2023 - 4 Feb 2023.

"Custom dates" are just that, custom. You can select which ever time period you want to compare to. It's useful if you for example don't have data for the full previous period but want the charts to reflect that.

When you select "Previous period" for a custom date range, you'll get the equivalent number of days and not follow calendar dates. But again, you can always see the exact dates selected.