Why should you select an industry?

When selecting an industry, you get a survey template and industry benchmarks to compare your data to.

When you create a general survey, you have the option to select an industry. But why should you?

First of all, when you select an industry, you also select a survey template. We not only offer a general survey template, but also industry specific templates. Some questions are more relevant for some industries, and therefore only included in those templates. 

If your website serves several purposes, perhaps you manufacture something but your website is also a corporate website, you should choose the industry that best suits the main part of the website. You can always add industries for comparisons later on.

To add or change an industry, you go to the survey editor and then select the "Settings" button.

Here you can select the industry/-s you want to compare your data to.

However, only select relevant industries. It will do you no good to compare to completely different industries, as those benchmarks are irrelevant for your website.

Which brings us to the second reason to select an industry: Industry benchmarks. When you select an industry for your survey, you also get benchmarks to compare your KPIs to. Different industries have different demands and challenges, so comparing your score not only to our scale of good or bad, but also to other websites within your industry, can be very useful.

In the end, selecting an industry is optional, but it is an option we have created to help you, both with creating your survey and analyzing your data.