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How to select survey version and filter on surveys

How to select survey version and filter on surveys

If your survey has more than one version or language, the results will show you the data for all versions and languages in the same charts. However, you can filter the surveys and select which displayed version you want. In this articles, we'll go through both and start with the displayed version, but we'll also give you a practical example of how to use these settings.

How and why to select a displayed version

Above your survey results, you have the option to select a displayed version of the survey. In this list, you'll find all versions and languages for the selected survey.

The displayed version determines which version of the questions you'll see. If you have updated your survey questions (and created a new version), you'll need to select the latest version in the list to see the updated phrasing for the questions. If you have more than one language version, the options will determine the language in the charts.

Note that the displayed version does not affect that data in the charts. By displaying the Spanish survey version, you will not select only the Spanish responses. Instead, you will still see all responses for the date range, but with the questions and options in Spanish.

To only view a specific survey version, you will need to create a filter.

How to filter based on survey

When you're only interested in the data from one (or more) of your survey versions, you need to filter your data. For survey version where you have only updated the questions, you can use the date range to filter your date, as the versions are not allowed to overlap. If the new survey version was activated on March 5th, date ranges leading up to the 5th will show the results for the old version, and dates after the 5th will show data from the new version.

However, if you want to be more precise or are only interested in one (or more) of your language versions, you will need to create a segment to filter the data. 

You create the segment as you would any other, but this time you want the "Survey" filters. 

Select the survey version or versions you want to be included, or just the language, and save the filter. 

Practical example

To give you a better understanding of the different settings, here is how you can use them.

Say that you have a survey in English and Finnish. You don't speak any Finnish, but you still want to view the results from the Finnish survey only. First, you select the English survey as the displayed version. Then, you create a segment for the Finnish survey.

This combination of settings will give you the Finnish results in English, which means that you don't need to speak a word of Finnish to understand the results - except for the text answers, but we have a translation option for them too.