Troubleshoot: Why isn't my heatmap or session recording collecting samples?

A quick guide to troubleshoot why your heatmap or session recording isn't collecting any samples. Check the target rules, the sample rate and that the script is running.

1. Does your target rules match a URL? 

  • Check there isn't any spelling mistakes in the target page rules.

  • Is the target rules logic?

    Make sure that the target page rules are logical and correctly configured to track the intended page. 

When using URL and equals exactly or equals simple make sure you're using the full URL with https:// . 

This will not collect any samples because there is no URL equaling exactly

Meanwhile, this will collect samples from

2. Is your sample rate too low? 

One possible explanation is that the page hasn't had enough visits to capture a sample. To fix it you should check how many visits the page has had in the past and base your sample rate on the data. If you don't mind waiting, you can keep the sample rate low. 

3. Is Extellio's script on the page? 

Make sure Extellio's script is on the page. You can use the ?extellio_debug=true parameter to see if the script is running.