Troubleshoot: Heatmap screenshot not working

Troubleshoot problems with taking screenshot for heatmaps

After you have created a new heatmap, it will automatically start to collect samples, but in order to view it, you also need to take a screenshot.

Note that the samples are not dependent on the screenshot, and all samples collected before the screenshot was taken will still be usable. 

If your heatmap is missing a screenshot, you will be asked to add one when you click to view the heatmap. To take the screenshot, enter the URL for the heatmap and click on "Open page".

The URL you entered will now be opened in a new tap. In the botton right corner, there is a message about the screenshot, and a button with "Capture screenshot". Click on the button, and the screenshot is taken.

You are now ready to view the heatmap. Refresh the page if needed.


Button didn't appear

If you click on "Open page", but you don't get the message with "Capture screenshot", it may be that the script is loaded after accepting cookies and you have either not accepted them or already rejected the cookies. 

An easy solution to rejected cookies is to try again in incognito mode. Just remember to accept cookies this time.

The heatmap is not active on the opened page

If you get the message that the heatmaps is not active on the page you have opened, it means that the URL you entered does not match the URL in the heatmap settings.

Either change the URL for the screenshot or change the target page rules for the heatmap so that the two match.