How to implement privacy and cookie settings

You control your data source cookie and privacy settings from "Data source settings", then select "Policy & cookies" in the sidebar menu.  You need to do these steps for each source if you have multiple data sources. 

1. Track page views 

First, we got the setting "track page views". This setting control whether or not analytics (tracking of page views, traffic channels etc) will be turned on.

The track pages setting only controls whether or not analytics data will be collected, not if the analytics uses cookies or not.  

There is 3 options: 

image-png-Feb-20-2024-08-39-38-1783-AM1. Always (recommended) 

Always means that analytics statistics will always be tracked when the script loads. 

2. Never 

Never means analytics  will never be tracked. 

3. With consent 

With consent means analytics will be tracked once consent for tracking has been given. We recommend only using this solution when having cookieless analytics (see below) turned on. 

For consent mode to work, you need to push a snippet of code to Extellio when the user has consented to being tracked: 


You also need to inform when the consent is removed: 


If you're using a cookie consent manager 

If you're using a cookie consent manager, you typically can use an event listener to know when consent has been given or removed. You can either implement the event listener on each page manually or use a tag manager.  We have guides for a few common options. Just replace the extellio_action.push snippets with the code above. 

Implement cookie consent with CookieYes

Implement cookie consent with CookieBot

2. Analytical cookies 

This setting controls if analytical cookies should be used.

1. When tracking 

This will set analytics cookies when the "Track page views"-setting is set to "Always", or set to "With consent" and consent has been given. 

2. With cookie consent (recommended)

With cookie consent means analytics will track users without cookies, and if the user consents to cookies, then analytical cookies will be used. 

If you chose "With cookie consent", you next need to inform Extellio once the consent is given by pushing a snippet of code: 


You also need to inform when the consent is removed: 


If you're using a cookie consent manager 

If you're using a cookie consent manager, you typically can use an event listener to know when consent has been given or removed. You can either implement the event listener on each page manually or use a tag manager.  We have guides for a few common options. 

Implement cookie consent with CookieYes

Implement cookie consent with CookieBot

To track users without cookies before they've consented or if they withdraw their consent, make sure the script loads before cookies are set. 

3. Disabled 

With disabled analytical cookies, no analytical cookies will ever be set. This impact the accuracy of your data. Read more about cookieless tracking here

Use cases: 

This only applies when the script loads before cookies are set. Depending on your configuration, this may not be applicable.

 1. Track page views always & analytical cookies when tracking
When the script loads, analytics data will be tracked with cookies. Only use this when the Extellio script loads after the user has consented to cookies to remain compliant. 
 2. Track page views always & analytical cookies with cookie consent 
When the script loads, analytics data will be tracked without cookies. Once the rememberCookieConsent function has been executed (i.e the user has given consent to cookies), cookies will be used. If the forgetCookieConsentGiven function is executed, the cookies will be deleted and the analytics will continue to track the user without cookies. 
 3. Track page views always & analytical cookies disabled 
When the script loads, analytics data will be tracked without cookies. 
 4. Track page views never & analytical cookies when tracking 

 No analytics data will be tracked. 

5. Track page views never & analytical cookies with cookie consent 
 No analytics data will be tracked. 
 6. Track page views never & analytical cookies disabled 
 No analytics data will be tracked. 
 7. Track page views with consent & analytical cookies when tracking 
 When the script loads, no analytics data will be tracked. Once the rememberConsent function has been executed (i.e the user has given consent to be tracked), analytics data will be tracked with cookies. If the forgetConsentGiven function is executed, the cookies will be deleted and the analytics will stop tracking the user. 
8. Track page views with consent & analytical cookies with cookie consent 
 When the script loads, no analytics data will be tracked. Once the rememberConsent function has been executed (i.e the user has given consent to be tracked), analytics data will be tracked without cookies.
 If the rememberCookieConsent function is executed (i.e the user has given consent to be tracked with cookies), analytics data will be tracked with cookies. 
If the forgetConsentGiven function is executed, the cookies will be deleted and the analytics will stop tracking the user. 
If the forgetCookieConsentGiven function is executed, the cookies will be deleted and the analytics will continue tracking the user given the forgetConsentGiven hasn't been executed. If both functions have been executed, the cookies will be deleted and the analytics will stop tracking the user. 
9. Track page views with consent & analytical cookies disabled 
When the script loads, no analytics data will be tracked. Once the rememberConsent function has been executed (i.e the user has given consent to be tracked), analytics data will be tracked without cookies. If the forgetConsentGiven function is executed the analytics will stop tracking the user.