How to create a new survey version

Learn how to create new survey versions.

Survey versions enables you to make big changes to your survey without losing data in your trend charts, and you will also be able to keep track of the changes you have made. This article will explain how to create new versions. If you want to learn more about when to create a new version, or what a survey version even is, you can check out this article.

To create new survey versions, you go to the survey list. 

Find the survey you want to edit, click on the three dots and select "Copy to a new version".

If you only had one version (including language) before, you will now get a plus sign in front of the survey name in the list. That means that your one survey has become a survey group. You can also see that the second column, which shows survey versions, says that there are multiple (more than 1) versions of this survey.

When you click on the plus sign, you can see all the individual surveys (specifically survey versions and translations) that are included in the group. For this example, there are two versions. v1 which is active, and v2 which is the inactive survey version just created.

To change the new survey version, click on "Edit" for that version. In the editor, you will find a direct copy of your current survey. Otherwise, you edit a survey version as you would any other survey.

In the editor, you are also able to switch between the survey versions.

One thing to note is that you are only able to have one active survey version at a time. When the new version is published (active), the current/old version will be deactivated. 

To see the results from the new survey, you select the survey group in the side menu as before, and then you select the version you want to see in the drop-down above the results.