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  2. Data analysis

An introduction to analysis

This is a general overview of how to analyze your data to identify problem areas.

It can be a bit difficult to know where to start when analyzing your data. We have several articles about how to analyze, what scores are good, when the data differs from the previous period, and so on. However, even with that knowledge, you still may not know where to start. Here is a suggestion.

A step-by-step to analyzing your data

  1. Get to know your data. Look at the charts and categorize the comments. This will make the analysis easier. And take your time. Read the results. Are they what you expected? Are they surprising?
  2. Create cross-tabulations to identify roles and purposes with low find scores. Select the ones you want to focus on. Can the most important roles find what they want? Can the visitors find the most important information easily?
  3. Create segments for the roles and/or purposes you have selected. Look at the data for these segments. Do you notice any differences between the segments and the visitors in general?
  4. Identify problem areas from the text answers. If you have categorized the text answers for what the visitors cannot find and what they want you to improve, you will get a bar chart of the categories. What are the visitors struggling with? Are the segments struggling with the same things as the visitors in general?
  5. Read the comments for the problem areas. What specifically are the visitors struggling with? How can you make this process easier for them?